안녕하세요! 윤 현수 입니다!

회원가입일 05/16/2016
My name is roocy(hyunsu)
Nice to meet you~ :D

I was born Incheon,
raised in Incheon and working in
usually seoul & metropolitan.

My family has a daughter, husband
and three cats.
I like music especially hiphop.
My daughter is studying music.
In love with drum and especially
hiphop music.
and my husbund foreign correspondent in China five years.
Certain amount of Chinese paintings
are available.

my family really love traveling,
music, animal and to meet people in the whole world.

The first experience of airbnb was in
Japan in Feb. 2014.
It was my mother and daughter traveled together.
We met really nice hosts and experienced comfortable & memorable travel bacause of them.
On the way back to home,
my family talked about airbnb hosting.
We wanted to be a host in Incheon
and opened this Beyeolharang in April 2016.
This is special place for us we wish
this will be also special place for you.

I wanna make your trip better.
So please let me know if you have
any questions or requests.
I'll contact with you as fast as I can
and my family will also care of you if you need any help.

I want you to have a amazing trip
in Korea and come to love Korea.


N 네이버 로그인

K 카카오 로그인

F 페이스북 로그인

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기존 가입자이십니까?
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도움이 필요하시면 help@wehome.me 로 연락주세요.