안녕하세요! Beniflah Odile 입니다!

회원가입일 09/21/2015
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I am a mother of 3 children and I love to meet people from all over the world. I have lived in a few different countries. In New York, I often host people in my house.


  • Kim Martin

    홍대 어반우드 게스트하우스 - Golden Field (deluxe double room)

    I am so happy to host Odile to Urbanwood. She was very lovely and enjoyable to be with. We had a marvellous conversation over the breakfast. She was respectful to the rule of us and she was very clean and very communicative. We also have in common that she is hosting in New York. It makes us more common things to share. I definitely welcome her to Urbanwood again. And she might host me when I am visiting New York~.

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