안녕하세요! Guesthouse Sp@Itaewon 입니다!

회원가입일 06/25/2015
We opened SP in 2012 with the understanding that the best accommodation you can find while travelling isn’t necessarily the highest class or the most expensive, but really it’s defined by the people you meet and what you explore around your destination that really counts. At SP we want to provide the best value for money accommodation available by maintaining a high standard of comfort and carewithout breaking your bank, and making sure there’s fun things for you to do while you’re here.
SP@Itaewon Guesthouse is the perfect hangout for the social traveller. Expect a great social atmosphere this year with newly revamped common area, plenty of fun and slightly crazy staff, and clean comfortable facilities after you’re ready to turn in. Even better we’re right in the middle of one of the most exciting pockets of Seoul.
N 네이버 로그인

K 카카오 로그인

F 페이스북 로그인

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