안녕하세요! K Ted 입니다!

회원가입일 07/07/2014
직업 : OulCraft Ukulele Builder & Manager
구사가능 언어 : Korean, English
  • 4
This is Ted and LeNah. We are friendly, fun and loving people. We love art, music and travelling. We enjoy meeting people and travelling around the world so we can relate to what most travelers need. It is pleasant to be able to meet people from all walks across the globe. Your welfare is our best interest at heart and we will definitely see to it that you have a pleasant stay.

Please stop by if you need an affordable reliable place to stay in Seoul.



  • sanghyup lee

    약속시간에 맞추어 숙소에서 직접 맞이하여 주셨습니다

  • 우종 김

    진짜 친절하셨어요 , 마치 대접받는 기분이라 오히려 제가 너무 감사했습니다

  • xing lu

    ★스튜디오★ 스카이뷰가 멋진 @강남

    It was a great experience to stay at this place, The house is very nice and has a very convenient location in gangnam. I highly recommend this house if you are looking for a simple but awesome stay !

  • Kuramoto Sachiko

    ★스튜디오★ 스카이뷰가 멋진 @강남

    My stay was excellent. I had a very comfortable room. The home itself was very nice.

N 네이버 로그인

K 카카오 로그인

F 페이스북 로그인

또는 이메일로 로그인 하세요.
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이메일 주소를 입력하면 암호를 변경할 수 있는 링크를 보내드립니다.
기존 가입자이십니까?
위홈 웰컴홈, 환영합니다.

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이메일 인증 후 로그인하실 수 있습니다.

도움이 필요하시면 help@wehome.me 로 연락주세요.