안녕하세요! Lim Hyekyoung 입니다!

회원가입일 04/02/2014
직업 : 호스트
학교 : Ewha Womans University
구사가능 언어 : Korean, English
Make your own family in Korea !!!
All the guests who went our house became our family :)
언니(Onni), 오빠(Oppa), and brother is waiting for new family.
You can have Korean family in Korea and friends from diverse countries :)
Those who want healing and making family & friends, come to Bauhaus !
We will wait for you :)

Bauhaus guesthouse is built by my husband, who is architect, specially for the purpose of guesthouse on 2014 April. Therefore, Bauhaus not only has beautiful exterial but also has refined, clean, and cozy interial.
We also provide you a huge restingplace along with the bed rooms.
Bauhaus has living room, outside deck, and rooftop for you !
It will be great experience for you to stay in Bauhaus :)
Come to Bauhaus guesthouse !
Our family is looking forward to see you :)
N 네이버 로그인

K 카카오 로그인

F 페이스북 로그인

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