Hey, I'm Dahm SoJung!

회원가입일: 08/03/2012
  • 8
고즈넉한 한옥에서의 하루를 공유하기 위해 게스트하우스를 오픈하여
전통 한옥에서의 체험과 힐링을 통해 한국의 멋을 전해 드리려 합니다.

등록 객실 (맵으로 보기)

  • 한옥스테이, 집/아파트 전체
    ₩350,000 / 박
    2 / 5 (기본인원/최대인원)
    0 이용후기
  • 한옥스테이, 전용실
    ₩270,000 / 박
    2 / 4 (기본인원/최대인원)
    0 이용후기


  • 동현 오

    담소정 / 정 room

    아침에 나오는 연잎밥이 너무 맛있었어요^^ 다음에 또 놀러오고 싶어요

  • xueying li

    담소정 / 정 room


  • Brunai Sunny

    담소정 소방 (4인실)

    Damsojung is located in the heart of Bukchon Hanok Village. It is a little luxury Hanok with very delicate interiors. The best thing I really like was the breakfast served by the Mrs. Joo: delicious and healthy. I would not forget the it. Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Joo!

  • jieun lee

    담소정 소방 (4인실)

    Great idea but I didn't feel that it was a true Korean traditional experience. Also, the price didn't seem justifiable compared to the comfort you get in regular hotels with similar price. The hosts were great people. However, the service they provided tells me that they were not experienced in hotel/accommodation business. Their intention was great and they were kind but we felt that we had to settle with whatever they offered; Going in and out of the house, we had to schedule it based on the host's schedule, They were not there all the time and they locked door to the house and we were not given a key. Bathroom was extremely tight. For breakfast, we didn't get rice in lotus leaf that they talked about. In fact, the host didn't tell us about it until after breakfast with eggs and coffee. If the host gave us a

  • Sanghyun Baek

    담소정 / 모임을 위한 장소, 계수나무 집 [독채]

    친구들과 매우 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 사장님 께서도 매우 친절하셨고요 ^^ 한옥의 매력에 푹 빠졌습니다. 아담하고 소박한 멋이 있으며, 여성 6명까지는 충분히 지낼 수 있는 크기 였습니다. 작은 마당은 소곤소곤 와인잔을 기울이며 이야기하기에 더할 나위없이 좋았습니다. 정이있는 북촌한옥마을 계수나무 최고입니다.

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