Hey, I'm Shinyoung Yoon!

회원가입일: 10/21/2016
직업 : businesswoman
학교 : Sungkyunkwan University
구사가능 언어 : Korean, English, Japanese
Hi the world! I like to meet people from the world!
I am living with my mom. We are fun and open-minded.
We have been hosting since 2014. You will feel like you stay at home.
I was in Finland and Japan for an exchange student.
So if you want to experience real Korean life, my home is the best !

등록 객실 (맵으로 보기)

  • 개인주택 , 다인실
    ₩30,000 / 박
    2 / 2 (기본인원/최대인원)
    0 이용후기
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