Hey, I'm Choonho Kim!

회원가입일: 01/10/2014
직업 : Emergency Physicians
구사가능 언어 : English, Korean
슬로시티 창평 월봉산 자락에 위치한 전통한옥과 고급스러운 실내장식의 집. 가족단위로 조용하게 머물다 갈수 있는 한옥민박.
I'm a emergency physicians working at night.(I'm not Batmen)
At daytime. I'm a explorer, House constructer, photographer, housekeeper, travel guider...

I like a travel, listen to other country culture but I have a hard work in the hospital.
So I want to meet traveler come to my house.

I want to meet other country people, and introduce korean local area culture.
If I have a spare time, I will guide you with free.

등록 객실 (맵으로 보기)

  • 한옥스테이, 집/아파트 전체
    ₩275,894 / 박
    4 / 8 (기본인원/최대인원)
    0 이용후기
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