안녕하세요! KIM Tae-beob 입니다!

회원가입일 03/04/2013
  • 5


  • Cariner Quentin

    Guesthouse Gangnam: Single Room (3) [여성전용]

    The apartment was a great value for its location and amenities. It was extremely convenient too.

  • Davout Emmanuele

    Guesthouse Gangnam: Single Room (3) [여성전용]

    beautiful apartment!! If you are looking for a clean place, recommendable!

  • Morgan Jessica

    Guesthouse Gangnam: Single Room (3) [여성전용]

    Great place, very Clean and perfect and location's great too, I'll probably be visiting them again soon in the near future.

  • Studt Anais

    Guesthouse Gangnam: Single Room (3) [여성전용]

    Awesome host. Very helpful. The location is amazing. Clubs, restaurants, shopping. If You are outgoing, that's the place to be!

  • Simin Berna

    Guesthouse Gangnam: Single Room (1) [여성전용]

    Absolutely loved staying at Guesthouse Gangnam. Tae-beob KIM was a very accommodating host and was kind enough to allow myself and my friend to check in early as well as check out late. We loved the place - spotlessly clean and very homey! Both of us agreed that if we lived in Seoul, this would be just the kind of place we would like. The location right next to the lift from the metro station made life so much easier, especially in the snowy weather and there's a convenience store on the ground floor and lots of traditional Korean restaurants just outside the back exit of the building. Would definitely stay here again when I go back to visit Seoul!

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